Getting Started With Apache Ignite.NET 3.0 alpha 3

Apache Ignite 3.0 alpha 3 has been released last week. This release introduces .NET and Java thin clients for the first time in 3.0. Let’s see how to get started with .NET thin client.

What is Ignite 3

3.0 is the next major Ignite version. It aims to provide improved developer experience with better architecture, APIs, and tooling. Check documentation and blogs linked below in “Conclusion” section for more details.

Note that 3.0 is still in alpha state, it is developed in parallel with Ignite 2.x, which will continue to evolve for years to come.


This guide should work on any modern OS (Linux, Windows, macOS).

Install Ignite CLI

Ignite CLI tool is the new way to start, stop, and manage server nodes.

  • Download release binaries:
  • Unzip to a folder and open your favorite terminal there.
  • Run ./ignite init to install the artifacts.

NOTE: in case something goes wrong and you’d like to start from scratch:

  • Delete .ignitecfg from your home directory.
  • Delete binaries folder and unzip the binaries to a new one.

Start a Server Node

All commands here and below should be run in the binaries directory.

  • Run ./ignite node start --config=examples/config/ignite-config.json my-first-node
  • Confirm the node is started and running: ./ignite node list

The server is now running in the background.

Populate Sample Data

We are going to use built-in Java examples to initialize a test Ignite table, because CreateTable API is not yet available in thin clients.

  • Comment out the last line with dropTable in examples/src/main/java/org/apache/ignite/example/table/
  • cd examples
  • mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.apache.ignite.example.table.KeyValueViewExample"

As a result, we’ll have a table named PUBLIC.accounts on the server.

Create .NET Project

  • dotnet new console -o IgniteDotNetExample
  • cd IgniteDotNetExample
  • dotnet add package Apache.Ignite --version 3.0.0-alpha3

Connect .NET Client

Replace Program.cs contents with the following:

using System;
using Apache.Ignite;
using Apache.Ignite.Log;
using Apache.Ignite.Table;

var cfg = new IgniteClientConfiguration("")
    Logger = new ConsoleLogger { MinLevel = LogLevel.Trace }

using IIgnite client = await IgniteClient.StartAsync(cfg);

Run the program with dotnet run or in your IDE, it should print something like

Socket connection established: [::ffff:]:60622 -> [::ffff:]:10800

Try Table API

Print all table names:

IList<ITable> tables = await client.Tables.GetTablesAsync();

foreach (var t in tables)

Get table by name:

ITable table = await client.Tables.GetTableAsync("PUBLIC.accounts");
Console.WriteLine("Table exists: " + (table != null));

Insert row:

var row = new IgniteTuple
    ["accountNumber"] = 101,
    ["balance"] = (double)300,
    ["firstName"] = "First",
    ["lastName"] = "Last"

await table.UpsertAsync(row);

Get row by key:

var key = new IgniteTuple
    ["accountNumber"] = 101

IIgniteTuple val = await table.GetAsync(key);

…which should print:

IgniteTuple [accountNumber=101, balance=300, firstName=First, lastName=Last]

If you are familiar with Ignite 2.x, we can draw some parallels:

  • ICache -> ITable
  • IBinaryObject -> IgniteTuple

Stop the Cluster

  • ./ignite node stop my-first-node


Ignite 3 is an exciting new development and offers improvements in all areas:

  • Schema-first approach
  • Raft-based replication (industry-standard consensus protocol)
  • Calcite-based SQL engine (extended SQL capabilities, improved performance)
  • MessagePack-based thin client protocol (faster, more compact)

Have a look at documentation and other blogs for more details on those points:

Written on October 29, 2021