What's new in Apache Ignite.NET 1.8

Apache Ignite 1.8 has been released yesterday. Let’s see what is new in the .NET part.

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Entity Framework Second Level Cache

Apache Ignite is often used as a middle layer between disk-based RDBMS and the application logic to increase performance. Common approach is to implement a write-through & read-through cache store. However, this approach requires changing existing data layer completely and switching to Ignite APIs.

Now there is a new way to boost database performance in Entity Framework 6.x applications which requires only minimal configuration changes: Ignite EF 2nd Level Cache

ASP.NET Session State Cache

ASP.NET stores session state data in memory by default. For web farms there is SQL Server provider, so that session state is shared between servers. Ignite offers distributed in-memory session state storage, which also shares data between servers, but is faster and more fault tolerant than SQL Server.

Custom Logging

In previous Ignite.NET versions all logging happened in Java, there was no possibility to configure logging or write to the log on .NET side.

New version provides ILogger interface and IgniteConfiguration.Logger property to define a custom logger, and there are ILogger implementations for NLog and log4net. When IgniteConfiguration.Logger is not specified (default), old behavior with Java logging is in effect. When the property is set, all logs from Java and .NET are redirected to the specified implementation.

You can also write to the log (no matter if custom logger is configured) via IIgnite.Logger. ILogger interface has only one logging method with all the details. Helper extension methods with simpler signatures are in Apache.Ignite.Core.Log.LoggerExtensions class. This design means that ILogger implementors have only two methods to write and don’t have to inherit anything.

Here is an example of colorized console output using IgniteNLogLogger:

var logCfg = new LoggingConfiguration();
var target = new ColoredConsoleTarget();
logCfg.AddTarget("con", target);
logCfg.LoggingRules.Add(new LoggingRule("*", NLog.LogLevel.Info, target));

LogManager.Configuration = logCfg;

var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration
    Logger = new IgniteNLogLogger(),
    JvmOptions = new [] {"-DIGNITE_QUIET=false"}

var ignite = Ignition.Start(cfg);

ignite.Logger.Info("Hello World!");

Transaction Deadlock Detection

Ignite now detects deadlocks in pessimistic transactions automatically when transaction timeout is specified, and throws TransactionDeadlockException. See documentation for more details.

New Examples

Binary and source distributions (available on ignite.apache.org) now include a lot more examples in platforms\dotnet\examples.

I like these three in particular:

  • TransactionDeadlockDetectionExample shows how transaction deadlock can be caused, detected, and handled.
  • BinaryModeExample demonstrates cache and SQL usage without classes, with dynamically generated entities.
  • MultiTieredCacheExample shows how cache entries are stored in heap, off-heap, and swap memory.

LINQ Improvements

CompiledQuery class is deprecated in favor of CompiledQuery2, which removes a lot of limitations:

  • Skip & Take are supported
  • Embedded arguments are allowed (.Where(x => x.Key > 5))
  • Argument reuse is allowed (.Where(x=>x.Key > foo && x.Value.Id > foo))

CompiledQuery2 has a similar API, but it takes Expression<Func<T1, IQueryable<T>>> instead of Func<T1, IQueryable<T>>, which allows better query inspection.

There is also a new method, CompiledQueryFunc<T> Compile<T>(IQueryable<T> query), which compiles an existing query to a delegate IQueryCursor<T> CompiledQueryFunc<T>(params object[] args). This method provides a lot of flexibility, because you can build LINQ expression dynamically, and it can have any number of arguments:

var cache = ignite.GetCache<int, Product>("products");
var qry = cache.AsCacheQueryable();

if (nameFilter != null)
  qry = qry.Where(x => x.Value.Name.Contains(nameFilter));

if (maxPrice != null)
  qry = qry.Where(x => x.Value.Price <= maxPrice);

var compiledQry = CompiledQuery2.Compile(qry);

The difference from other overloads here is that compiled delegate takes params object[] instead of specific argument types, so you have to carefully provide arguments in correct order.


There are a number of bugfixes and other improvements:

  • Query configuration supports nullable types
  • NuGet upgrade procedure fixed (should no longer require manual bin folder cleanup)
  • IgniteConfiguration.WorkDirectory no longer ignored in some cases

Documentation on apacheignite-net.readme.io has been improved in certain areas. Have a look at the following sections:

Written on December 9, 2016